Tuesday, July 24, 2007

To Selma and Back!!!

This weekend we took a little adventure down to Selma, AL to celebrate MawMaw's 85th birthday. MawMaw is Ian's Great Grandmother, and one hell of a nice lady. We truly love to see her and spend time with her. She's a real spitfire too.

Anyway, Selma is no cakewalk. There's just nothing there, and it's very depressed. There's no restaurants other than the occasional barbecue joint and fast food there - wierd. I can say though that I had the all time best barbecued ribs of my lifetime there. They were un-freakin-believable. And that's all I have to say about that...

Here's some pics of Ian in his element. Pictures are resized. Click on the picture to go to the original:

"Here, let me get that booger for you..."

Catching some much needed shuteye...

Great Grandma, Mom, and Ian (puttin' in a fresh dip)

Grandmother Hartz, Mom, and Ian.

By the way, if you want a hi-resolution copy of any of these photos, email me and I'll send you one.


Monday, July 16, 2007

My Boy Ian

Well, okay, so it's been well over a year since I last posted here. Sorry, but a lot has happened since then - Well, we had a boy!!! I'm now a dad, and that has changed my entire outlook on life.

Well, let me introduce him.. Ian Anderson Strickland was born on 2/1/2007. I'll skip all the details and just get to the good stuff. Here's what I think are my favorite pictures of him:

7/15/2007: Above we see the little monster's voracious appetite. He's chowing down on his very first taste of sweet potatoes, and I must say that he absolutely loved them!!

7/1/2007 (approximate date): Here we have Ian doing his best Jabba the Hut/Louie Anderson imitation. His a biggun' that's for sure. Next to him is James Bartoo, who is just a few days old in this photo. "Hey mom, can I eat him?"

Ian around 3 months: I just love the look on his face. Priceless.

Mother's day 2007: A lady killer in his stylish shades.

Just a couple weeks old here. I just love this picture of him. It really shows his personality at such a young age.

Okay, a little clowning. This was about a month ago - he's so much fun...


Monday, April 10, 2006

Welcome, and all that stuff

Okay, so here's the first post. Fun huh?

I picked the name of the blog and web address because of Ian's name - Ian Anderson is the lead singer/flautist for Jethro Tull, to I named the blog after the most famous JT song.

So, this is my blog, and here's what you may read about at any given time:

Stupid people (one of my favorite topics) - I myself am often at the helm of this esteemed group of people. Just ask my wife.

My dogs Bandit, Baxter, Friday, or Gracie (RIP)
My loving wife
Fly Fishing
Tools - especially antique woodworking tools
The Family Guy
MMA in general
...and anything else I want to spew on about.

Well, okay, that's really a list of what I'm in to. It's by no means comprehensive though. My guess is that you'll get to read a lot of soapbox rants too. Feel free to put me in my place, but don't expect me to engage you - especially if I think you're stupid.

By the way, In my opinion, nothing is taboo for this blog. If you don't have a sense of humor and can't laugh at your own follies, please move on. Life is too short.

Take care,